Tin sign Old French magazine cover of mode of 17 June 1923 n°24 Printed in France on aluminium plate. Depth : 0,7mm
Tin sign Old French magazine cover "Le Petit Echo de la Mode" of 23 November 1947 n°47 Printed in France on aluminium plate. Depth : 0,7mm
Reissue of old French advertisements
Aluminium plate Soap Cadum Made and printed by us in France. Ideal for wall decoration! Thickness 0,7 mm
Aluminium plate Collas Chocolate 5c aged effect - Vaillant C 1930 Made and printed by us in France. Ideal for wall decoration! Thickness 0,7 mm
Aluminium plate "Texaco Motor Oil" rusted metal effect, American style advertising plate Garage. Design made and printed by us in France. Ideal for wall decoration! Thickness 0,7 mm
Tin sign Old French magazine cover of mode of 6 May 1923 n°18 Printed in France on aluminium plate. Depth : 0,7mm
Aluminium plate Rallye Monte-Carlo - Géo Ham Made and printed by us in France. Ideal for wall decoration! Thickness 0,7 mm
Old Advertising Poster Chemin de Fer Du NordAffiche et Poster Ancienne publicité Le Tréport-Mers Avec son Nouveau Casino à 3 heures de Paris
Cushion cover "Labrador" in Jacquard Upholstery Fabric and cotton fabric in linen colour HandMade and of French Make by Inès Création® for an interior decoration retro, vintage or sober. Removable in order to ease cleaning.
Reissue of old French advertisements
Reissue of old French advertisements
Advertising metal plate Chocolat Suchard -Suisse-Neuchâtel Retro With 4 fixing holes Dimensiosn 15x21cm